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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Apa kabar? Apakah sekadar menambah bocoran materi belajar Bahasa Sunda pada kalian? Atau mungkin ingin bisa membahas dan berbicara Bahasa Sunda di mana saja, ketika saja dan dengan siapa saja? Harap baca tulisan ini, biarpun tidak begitu panjang. Dalam tulisan ini akan disajikan beberapa soal uji coba soal ujian Bahasa Sunda Kelas 6 SMP. Soal uji coba ini dibuat untuk mengetahui bagaimana tingkat penguasaan kalian dari kompetensi yang akan diujikan pada uji coba. Selain itu, di tulisannya kalian akan membaca cara menyelesaikan soal-soal tersebut pada sisi kanan, misalnya: Sahabat sekalian! Bagi sahabat yang mencari bahan pelajaran Bahasa Sunda, silahkan simak apa yang ada di bawah ini. Sekian terimakasih atas kunjungannya! Tunggu pelepasan selanjutnya dengan sabar! Around the time when people are talking about the Sundanese language, they often talk about where this language was born. According to historical records, the birthplace of Sundanese language was in Kota Campur in Rambah district, Ciamis. According to linguistic experts in Indonesia, Wanua Tex Tex is one of the tribes in West Java that use Sundic language. They live near Cianjur area and East Bandung area. As well as outflow to the west coast of Sumatra until Lampung Province. At this time, some people do not believe in the existence of Sundanese language. Some people say that Sundanese is a group of languages, while some others say that it is one language. Some linguists said that some people can use Sundanese language to communicate at sea, while others think that the language only used on the path of sea. Gradually spread all over the coast of Java Sea. People who travel at sea would sometimes talk about using this language by using the technique known as Linguistic Hitchhiking Model. The history of Sundanese Language can be traced back to 500 years ago near Cianjur area in West Java Province, Indonesia. It was a time when the Srivijaya Empire ruled over Java and Sumatra. At that time, people from Sundanees tribe would live near the rivers of Cianjur area, West Java. They would hunt fish and insects for their food. The Sundanese language is also spread to Sumatra, Lampung district and Bengkulu province. Today their language is still present in those areas of Indonesia. In some old villages in Kalimantan, people still use quite a lot of standard Sundanese language. eccc085e13