Five days of relentless rain, tremendous floods and landslides caused byhurricane "Mitch" have devastated Honduras, killing at least 30 people anddriving half a million from their homes. High waters have cut off all roads toSan Pedro Sula, the second largest city in the country. Coastal areas pounded byhurricane winds earlier in the week are completely cut off from aid, andmudslides in the southern mountains have engulfed one small village. Rescueworkers said they saw bodies floating in the water after the River Ulua overranits banks in the northern Honduran city of El Progreso, and officials said theyfeared catastrophic flooding across northern Honduras would worsen. Mitch,downgraded yesterday to a tropical storm and its winds weakening to about 40mph,was expected to dump 15-25 inches more rain today and tomorrow. In neighbouringNicaragua, 11 people died in mudslides yesterday, bringing the death toll inthat country to 19, Red Cross officials said. Six others were reported missing.Heavy rains also forced thousands to be evacuated from their homes in Nicaraguaand Guatemala, and left an estimated 4,000 homeless in Costa Rica, officialssaid. At 07.00, EST (12.00, UTC) the centre of the storm was still on Honduranterritory, 50 miles south of the coastal city of La Ceiba, the Hurricane Centresaid. The USA has promised Honduras $500,000 in aid, and presidents of otherCentral American nations have promised to send helicopters and other emergencyhelp. Today, cities on the Honduran coast and towns on the islands remainedcompletely cut off. Thick clouds and driving rain grounded aircraft, and bridgeshave collapsed along every highway on the coast. Two major rivers haveoverflowed in a large valley north of San Pedro Sula, bringing serious damage tothe economy of this industrial city of 600,000, 100 miles north of the Hondurancapital Tegucigalpa. Emergency shelters in San Pedro Sula were overflowing todayand tens of thousands of refugees from nearby cities and towns set up huge tentcamps along every highway.
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